7 tips for reducing stretch marks scars
Almost every woman who carries a baby will get some stretch mark scars; some on their tummy, some on their back-side, some on their upper extremities, some on their lower extremities, and other hidden places. For these women, it can’t be helped. However, there are some remedies for helping to reduce stretch marks including using a cream. There are exercises that can be performed on a daily basis to lengthen or stretch the skin of the body in certain places. There are creams, oils, and other such ointments that will help to smooth the skin out some, keeping it taught but movable so that it stretches with the baby.
There are other ways to help combat stretch mark scars; bathing in baby oil is an old-fashioned remedy that seems to work on many women. It keeps the skin soft, yet movable when necessary. It doesn’t burn or otherwise irritate most skin types, and it is recommended by some physicians.
Another remedy is cocoa butter stick or cream. Cocoa butter has been proven to help eliminate stretch marks and other scars, for many years. Some don’t like the smell, but the effect and treatment is unmistakable. It works!
Then there’s regular food butter. This remedy has been around for longer than the previous two. Again, it allows the skin around the baby to breath, move, and adjust accordingly. And, it doesn’t have a foul smell to it.
Then there is lotion – particularly the ones that stay with and on the skin no matter how hard or how much the body is washed. Some lotions just cling to the skin and beneath the skin, to form barriers of protection. These barriers work just like extra skin that gives. As long as the body is cleaned daily, these lotions won’t harm it.
There is a very popular cream called TriLASTEN SR, which is a scar reducer. It has been known to work in less than a month in reducing the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. It helps to prevent the lost of collagen and elastin. It’s a great rejuvenating cream.
Some swear by grapeseed oil to help reduce the scars caused by stretchmarks. Because it has specially connective antioxidants like vitamin E, it helps to lessen the visibility and even reduces stretch mark scars. Also, some women rely on cellulite treatments to help reduce the lines and cracks that carrying a baby produces. Botox injections are another popular method of used because of their skin plumping ingredients. If those other methods fail, there is always laser treatments. Visit a dermatologist to find out what methods would be best to consider. Having a second opinion regarding what treatment will work, is a smart move.
Date: April 7, 2011
Categories: Home & Family