Sunday, 11 of September of 2011

Tag » Discipline

6 Tips To Avoid Excess Pregnancy Weight Gain

Pregnancy can be a beautiful time but many women fall into the trap of eating what they want and put on more weight then they really want or need. The article went on for some tips to help you avoid wearing too much weight and suffering in the long term.

Tip # 1 – Eat A Good Breakfast
Breakfast really is an important part of the day and if you skip a meal you will suffer in many ways. First skipping breakfast will help guide you to a party in the afternoon. Skipping breakfast will make you feel tired and exhausted. You must maintain your energy, especially when pregnant. Some people do not like to eat immediately after they wake up, I knew that I was one of them. I spent the first hour sipping a liter of water. I always make sure I got up and had time to really wake up and enjoy the morning rather than rushing about. After I liter of water I began to feel hungry and this is when I have a big banana and date smoothie to get me to the beginning of a true, my smoothies made from bananas on 5-10 and 4-6. This is a LOT of calories but it made me survive and be happy for many days. Your baby will need a calorie is sleeping 6-8 hours at night, so make sure you get the breakfast go Try to eat fruit – juicy always the best, plus something nutritious to keep you full and sustainable. Make a commitment to have breakfast and you’ll be glad you did.

Tip # 2 – Food Plan
Although planning is not something I like to spend too much time, it could be a useful thing to do. Planning will ensure that you have plenty of nutritious snacks around you when you need it. Make sure you have lots of fruits and raw vegetables on will help you feel full and help you avoid the sweet-fat snacks that will do nothing for your health or the waist line.

Tip # 3 – Go Shopping On A Full Stomach
When we are hungry we tend to want to eat everything in sight! If you are shopping you’ll see the chocolate, cakes and maybe that can make great food and want to buy everything and eat it all when you get home. If you are full you will have no desire to eat and will stick to your shopping list. This is the best way to get yourself to buy lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid things that will do anything for you and your baby.

Tip # 4 – Make sure you Are Hydrated
So many people today are dehydration and starvation thrist what wrong. Make sure your urine is clear 80-10 times a day. If your urine is the color that you are dehydrated and need a strong drink. Dehydration will make you feel tired and exhausted so it is important you ensure you are getting enough fluids.

Tip # 5 – Avoid Salt
Salt will dry and you should drink water even more to compensate. Salt also destroys your tastesbuds. Salt that only you need is from fruits and fresh vegetables so make sure you get lots of fruits such as melons and vegetables like celery and spinach.

Tip # 6 – Avoid Those who encourage you to eat too much
If you are pregnant people like to encourage you to eat too much and eat everything in sight. They think it’s healthy to eat and eat during pregnancy. Do not eat to please others – very easy to eat too much while pregnant and many women.

There are many things you can do to prevent overeating. Cut the sweet drinks and aim to only drink water and on the occasion of fresh squeezed juice (that you’ve squeezed yourself). Aiming to also eat fruit before every meal and a big salad every day. These are things that can be easily carried and is the best way to prevent overeating.

Enjoy your pregnancy, but maintaining your health.

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Discipline a Toddler

Why do we need to discipline children? Toddlers are at an age where they learn and explore new things. Can we leave them at that time? We can but we should not. Toddler stage is a good stage to start teaching your child. Because they learn and absorb things at this stage, it is the best time to put the information you want your child to have.

Do you want your child to get along well with other children?
Do you want your child to know their responsibilities?
Do you want your child to grow into adults behaved well and polite?
Do you want to conserve your energy and avoid the frustration of the end of you and spend more quality time with your child?

If your answer is yes then most of disciplining the child of today is the way to go.

Thing about discipline is that you actually teach them proper behavior differences and bad behavior. When disciplining children, you guide them but do not limit them in terms of learning them.

For example, I’m not going to stop my daughter from making a mess when he paints. But I will make sure that he was clean after that. I will let my children watch cartoons for half an hour but when I told him to turn off the TV when it was time to go take a bath, he’ll do it. It’s called discipline.

Discipline is not about to threaten or punish your children. This is a mutually beneficial understanding between you and your child.

Toddlers need guidance. They must follow some rules so that they know what they can do and what they can not do. They should know their routines and appropriate behavior is expected but is not limited.

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